Matrix upload
Upload a matrix in a csv or RDS file
Maximun file size = 30Mb (~ 600 x 5000 matrix)
Click Demo
to load Corces-Buenrostro AML dataset
NMF params
Annotation upload
Upload a table with annotation data in a csv or RDS file
The first column should match the column names in the input matrix
Start NMF
Click 'Submit' button to start running NMF in the uploaded matrix and with selected parameters
ShinyButchR is an app to run Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) on a small input matrix using the Bratwurst package
You can explore the results in the NMF plots tab, or download the resulting H and W matrices in the save results tab.
ShinyButchR was developed by the Biomedical Genomics Group @ Health Data Science Unit at the BioQuant Center and Medical Faculty Heidelberg
Visit us here!
If you have any suggestion please create an issue in our GitHub repository hdsu-bioquant/ShinyButchR
Factorized uploaded matrix
NMF plots
Displays the optimal factorization rank metrics
Displays a heatmap of the H matrix for each factorization rank
Displays a riverplot of all factorization ranks
Save results
saves all the results as RDS objects
H Matrix Heatmap
H Matrix UMAP
Recovery Plots
Optimal factorization rank
Based on the results of the factorization quality metrics, the optimal number of signatures (k)
Minize the Frobenius error, the coefficient of variation and the mean Amari distance
Maximize the sum and mean silhouette width and the cophenic coefficient.
NMF riverplot
Riverplot or Sankey diagram showing the similarity between signatures across factorization ranks
Signature Specific Features Heatmap