[1] Krug, K., et al., A Curated Resource for Phosphosite-specific Signature Analysis. Mol Cell Proteomics, 2019. 18(3): p. 576-593.
Eatomics is an R-Shiny based web application that enables interactive exploration of quantitative proteomics data generated by MaxQuant software - specifically label-free quantification (LFQ) and Intensity Based Absolute Quantification (iBAQ) values. Eatomics enables fast exploration of differential abundance and pathway analysis to researchers with limited bioinformatics knowledge. The application aids in quality control of the quantitative proteomics data, visualization, differential abundance and pathway analysis. Highlights of the application are an extensive experimental setup module, the data download and report generation feature and the multiple ways to interact and customize the analysis.
Eatomics requires two file inputs:
Demo_proteinGroups.txt: The proteinGroups.txt (i.e. a tab-separated files) as generated by the quantitative analysis software of raw mass spectrometry data - MaxQuant. The file should contain at least the columns Protein IDs, Majority protein IDs, Gene names, LFQ/iBAQ measurement columns, Reverse, Potential contaminant, Only identified by site. The latter three may be empty.
Demo_clinicaldata.txt: The sample description file - a tab separated text file as can be produced with any Office program by saving the spread sheet as .txt. The file needs to contain a column named “PatientID”, which contains IDs that match the sample ID’s from the proteinGroups header (without the “LFQ intensity” or “iBAQ” prefixes) and one or more named columns with “parameters”, i.e. textual/factual/logical or continuous/integer values. Column names have to be unique.
Access to demo data is possible directly via the upload button if ou are testing on our public server. For your local installation you may use your own data or the demo files in Eatomics/Data from the github repository. The demo proteinGroups file represents a shortened version of the data assessed and described in Chen et al. [4] and is accompanied by a sample description file prepared by us, based on the publications supplementary data.
Eatomics functionality is structured into four tab panels:
All tabs consist of a side panel to configure the analysis and a main panel for interactive analysis visualization.
The first tab provides an overview on the data quality and enables filtering and preparation of data for differential abundance and enrichment analysis ().
Within the side panel the user can load data and configure quality control options.
To begin the analysis the user has to upload the MaxQuant file (e.g.proteinGroups.txt), as specified above. After full upload of the file, rows that were only found in the reverse database, belonging to potential contaminants or that have only been identified by site are filtered automatically.
Select and load the clinical data input file (e.g clinicaldata.txt), as specified above.
In the main panel (right) interactive visualizations are shown.
A common method of dimensionality reduction is principal component analysis (PCA). Inherently, PCA calculates axes of most variation (principal components) within the abundance data. A common assumption is that a plot along the axes of most variation will segregate all samples/patients into groups under investigation. The user can choose which principle components to visualize in the PCA and can choose to color the samples based on the uploaded sample/clinical characteristics.
The distribution overview gives an impression on the sample-wise distribution of all measured intensities.
Protein coverage describes the count of distinct protein groups per sample.
The sample-to-sample heatmap describes the biological and technical variability of the samples. The user can choose to use Euclidean distance or Pearson correlation as a (dis-) similarity metric. Formed clusters should resemble the sample groups under investigation.
Protein intensities are cumulated across all samples and plotted according to their relative abundance. Colouring marks the respective quantile of the proteins. Highly abundant proteins, i.e., proteins ranked in the first quartile are colored in red and labels are specified. The top 20 ranked proteins and their cumulated intensity are given in the table to the right.