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Venn module
Intervene's venn module provides up-to 6-way classical, Chow-Ruskey and Edwards’ Euler/Venn diagrams to visualize the intersections of genomic regions or lists.

UpSet module
Intervene’s UpSet modules can be used to visualize the intersection of multiple genomic region sets using UpSet plots.

Pairwise module
Intervene’s pairwise module provides several styles of heatmaps and clustering approaches to customize the heatmaps.

If you use intervene, please cite this paper:
Khan A, Mathelier A. Intervene: a tool for intersection and visualization of multiple gene or genomic region sets. BMC Bioinformatics. 2017;18:287. doi: 10.1186/s12859-017-1708-7
Venn diagrams
Data upload & settings
Instructions for Venn diagram module
To use this venn module, you can upload a correctly formatted csv/text file, with lists of names. Each column represents a set, and each row represents an element (names/gene/SNPs).
Before uploading the file, choose the correct separator, wheather the names in each column are seperated by a ' , ' choose comma, by a ' ; ' choose semicolon, or by tabs choose tab.
Header names (first row) will be used as set names.
Download demo data from Whyte et al. 2013Intervene uses the Vennerable to generate different Venn diagrams.
UpSet plots
Instructions for UpSet plot module
To use this module you can upload a correctly formatted .csv or text file, encoded in binary.
Before uploading the file, choose the correct separator, wheather the names in each column are seperated by a ' , ' choose comma, by a ' ; ' choose semicolon, or by tabs choose tab. Header names (first row) will be used as set names.
UpSet module takes three types of inputs.
List type data:
List data is a correctly formatted csv/text file, with lists of names. Each column represents a set, and each row represents an element (names/gene/SNPs). Header names (first row) will be used as set names.
Download list of genes data from Whyte et al. 2013Binary type data:
In the binary input file each column represents a set, and each row represents an element. If a names is in the set then it is represented as a 1, else it is represented as a 0.
Here is a sample mutations data set from TCGA, which represents mutations for the 100 most mutated genes in a glioblastoma multiforme cohort. This file was downloaded from hereCombination/expression type data:
Combination/expression type data is the possible combinations of set intersections. User can copy/past the combinations of intersection from the Intervene commnad line interface. For example;
Intervene uses the UpSetR R package for visualization.
Pairwise intersection heatmap
Data upload & settings
Note: Interactive heatmap is only available for Heatmap.2 plot type.
Instructions for pairwise heatmap module
To use pairwise module, you can upload a pairwise matrix file in .csv/txt format. Each column and row represents pairwise fraction of overlap/count etc between different names/genomic region sets.
Before uploading the file, choose the correct separator, wheather the matrix file is seperated by a ' , ' choose comma, by a ' ; ' choose semicolon, or by tabs choose tab.
Pairwise module takes input of two types:
List type data:
List data is a correctly formatted csv/text file, with lists of names. Each column represents a set, and each row represents an element (names/gene/SNPs). Header names (first row) will be used as set names.
Download list of genes data from Whyte et al. 2013Pairwise matrix data:
A pairwise matrix type data is a matrix of size NxN (all pairwise combinations) with values as number/fraction of overlap between two corresponding sets. For genomic region sets user can use the commpnad line interface of Intervene and upload the generated matrix here as matrix type.
For example here is the demo data generated by Intervene's command line interfacce for super-enhancers(SEs) of different cell/tissue-types from dbSUPER.Intervene uses the Corrplot and plotly R packages to plot heatmap